
Welcome Back!

I kind of made a promise to have a weekly post, and the commitment has partially, almost fail. The drafts of the posts are still waiting in my journal because I might of...well kind of  80%...lost my own schedule and routine in life. I am again.
Throughout life, opportunities sprout with a positive or negative outcome affecting our paths that help us manage life. During the process, our lives experiences opportunities in times of laughter and times of sadness, but as part of the life it is better to remember this amazing quote from one of my favorite author. This is due to one of the greatest characteristics of the human race is the ability to think. These thoughts allow us to do amazing things and partake in life in different ways. We decide to make life great by making promises for a greater good for us and those around us.Promises can give us life, blessing, love, laughter, joy, and most importantly peace. They take us to places that at some times we could have never imagined to be. When those promises are met, they become blessings in our lives. Those experiences makes us the extraordinary, unique person that we all are and can be. Sometimes these experiences are not so great, but we manage to learn from them.

As for myself, I have made many promise. Many of those promises have given me something to aspire. Other times, my promises failed along the process. One of my promises in life was to finish to continue my studies and become a teacher by any means, but unfortunately at this point of my life it has not come true. 

I graduated high school with honors from a lovely school district that I will never forget.  Before graduation I began to look intensely at colleges to obtain my higher education, of course everyone should do this. Then, the college accepted me. My studies were doing great, but suddenly around my junior year I began to experience too much negativity. And of course I lost my path, interest, and most importantly my goal, my studies reflected this. I fell into a deep hole, and the only way out was to drop out.

Up to this day, steps in life have had their peeks and dips, and I have not been able to go back. Steps have been taken to achieve this major goal. I encourage everyone to try at least to sit down and make a promise, so we can achieve true happiness. 
Along this journey, I will continue to update this promise. 

With Love & Joy,

Pam :)

*Disclaimer: Links above are not affiliate links. Thoughts and views expressed are always honest and 100% my own.
